Welcome to my blog, I'm a learner at Greymouth High School in Greymouth, New Zealand.
Saturday, 30 December 2017
Summer Learning Journey Day 4 Activity 1 Week 1
My favourite waiata is Tutira mai nga iwi because we learnt this one at school for the school concert. I also liked the online All Blacks version with Glenn Osbourne.
Friday, 29 December 2017
Summer Learning Journey Day 3 Bonus Activity Week 1
My Aunty Annie owns an ex-racehorse that my Uncle Chris used to ride and they don't even know each other. Also she has had about 12 different jobs, mainly in finance.
My other Aunty Helen used to be a tattooist. Also she has just come back from a holiday around South-East Asia.
My Uncle Chris is a famous NZ jockey and he won the premiership for 2016-2017. Also he loves Hokey Pokey ice-cream.
Summer Learning Journey Day 3 Activity 2 Week 1
Kia Ora koutou. Hello to you all.
Ko Nathan tōku ingoa. My name is __________.
No Te Whanganui-A-Tara ahau. I am from __________.
Ko Te Plada tōku waka. My canoe is _________.
Ko Gibson tōku iwi. My tribe is _________.
Ko Kaukau tōku maunga. My mountain is ________.
Ko Te Awa Kairangi tōku awa. My river is _________.
Ko Mike tōku matua. My father is _________.
Ko Raelene tōku whaea. My mother is _________.
Tēnā koutou katoa. Hello everyone.
Summer Learning Journey Day 3 Activity 1 Week 1
I wouldn't like to be in a big family because you have to share everything. Also if you were the youngest you wouldn't be able to do things for yourself and if you were the oldest you would be responsible for some things that your siblings do wrong.
Also if you were in a poor family it would be hard and you would probably have to share one room. At dinner time you wouldn't get as much food because there are a lot more mouths to feed.
Saturday, 23 December 2017
Summer Learning Journey Day 2 Bonus Activity Week 1
My favourite meal is butter chicken, the Indian food because it is spicy and delicious. Here is a picture of it :
Thursday, 21 December 2017
Summer Learning Journey Day 2 Activity 1 Week 1
Wharepuni are similar to my house because they are both made of wood and another similarity is they both have a window and door in similar positions to my house.
Two differences would be, my house is higher off the ground and I don't have carvings.
Two differences would be, my house is higher off the ground and I don't have carvings.
Summer Learning Journey Day 1 Bonus Activity Week 1
It would be fun and exciting however, I don't think it would be my choice of activity. I think it would be too physically challenging. At this stage I am thinking not to do it however, when I'm an adult, I might like to. Especially if my friends are doing it.
Summer Learning Journey Day 1 Activity 2 Week 1
Dear ________,
I am in the middle of the ocean with my family on a waka. It feels tiny compared to the huge expanse of vast ocean. The waves are massive and we have very small amounts of food. I am pretty nervous about seeing this new land. We navigate using the stars at night time to show us which direction to go.
From Nathan.
Summer Learning Journey Day 1 Activity 1 Week 1
He is a trickster. He is good at fishing. He has magical powers when he does karakia.
Maui and the Secret of Fire.
Maui Slows the Sun.
Monday, 11 December 2017
Carving DLO
These past two weeks, we have been doing a carving unit. We tried to make our own carving with soap which is on this DLO we also made. Here is our work.
Wednesday, 6 December 2017
Tuesday, 21 November 2017
Hypothermia DLO
These few days, we made a DLO about hypothermia. This is the slideshow we made. We were doing this learning because we are going on camp.
Tuesday, 14 November 2017
Quick Writes Term 4
We have been working on Quick Writes. This is where you are given something to write about (a writing prompt) and you only have 10 minutes to write as much as possible using this writing prompt. For our writing prompts we will use either images or short videos.

As the fireworks erupted from the museum, the smell was insanely strong. It smelt of gunpowder and ash like in a warzone. I watched the karaka (orange) fireworks burst from the building. It looked like a fire or a terrorist attack that was completely obliterating the building. The crowd was amazed by all the fireworks. It sounded like gunfire shattering the silence. It surprised lots of people watching and I knew this because there was a big yell that sounded like they were startled. Anyone inside the building would feel blinding or suffocated by all the smoke. The crowd was going chaotic and yelling. The smoke was smothering and surrounding everyone now and it was heavy and dense. I put my hand in the smoke and it was hot and fluffy. It was wonderful.
Tōmato (tomato) Whawhai (fight)
I ran over to where the tōmato (tomato) whawhai (fight) was commencing. The annual fight happens in a Spanish village called Bunol, near Valencia. There were tomatoes everywhere and I was already getting them stuck in between my toes. I picked one up and threw one at someone standing about 5 meters away from me. They spun around and threw one at me. There were more people coming now and the fight was on! There were flying tomatoes everywhere whizzing right past my head like bullets in a war. Some people were wearing goggles to protect their eyes. I felt the seeds going in between my toes. It was disgusting!
As I walked over to the Spiderman parade I saw confetti flying everywhere. I could hear lots of noise of people talking to each other and yelling. There were lots and lots of different colours everywhere. It was in New York City and there was kai (food) and the aroma of petrol. I could smell smoke and food everywhere. I could hear cars and buses zooming everywhere. It was wonderful.
Wednesday, 27 September 2017
Beekeeper Quick Write
Quick Write Number One - The Beekeeper
For the next two weeks we are going to work on ‘Quick Writes.’ This is where you are given something to write about (a writing prompt) and you only have 10mins to write as much as possible using this writing prompt.
For our writing prompts we will use either images or short videos.
The purpose of this is to practise writing fluently.
When we look at our writing prompt we will have about 10-15 mins to discuss it and brainstorm some ideas and vocabulary.
Our learning goals are to:
-write a description, using powerful words and phrases
-include some Te Reo Māori
-carefully check that our sentences make sense and have correct punctuation and spelling.
When we are writing we need to think about…
- What do I want my reader to see?
2) What do I want my reader to hear?
3) What do I want my reader to smell?
-look closely at the picture or video
-think about the three key questions and the learning goals
-give yourself time to plan and write
Do your writing here
The Beekeeper
I walked over to the pi (bee) hive. The smell of the honey hit me like a tsunami. It was strong and sweet. The bees were buzzing and humming waiting for me to come over. I looked at all the puawai (flowers) and nga puawai (blossoms) around me on the cool, spring day. I took off the frame and the bees were like little yellow and black dots, floating around in the pure, sweet smelling air. I got out the sugary, sweet honey from the hive as the bees flew around landing on the white blossoms. All I can hear is the buzzing of the bees. It’s wonderful.
Thursday, 21 September 2017
Barbaric Bot Betrayal Narrative Writing
In our class we are doing narrative writing. This is my Barbaric Bot Betrayal story I wrote.
Food Fight Political Party Poster
For our elections work for school we created our own political parties for a fun activity.
Tuesday, 8 August 2017
My Dream Action Plan
We have been working on thinking about dreams we have that we would like to achieve. We wrote up a 'dream plan.' Here is my plan for my dream.
My Dream Action Plan
My Dream for myself:
To have lots of pet pigs.🐖 And run a free range pig farm.
My Dream for New Zealand:
Make sure everyone has a house in New Zealand.
Why is this dream important to me?
Because I love pigs they are my favourite animal.
Who within my family, friends or community can I ask for support or advice to achieve my dream?
Mum, Dad and my friend Morgan who owns some pigs.
In order to achieve my dream I will need the following skills and knowledge
1.How to breed pigs.
2.How to run a farm.
3.How to eat them.
4.I will need a family.
5.How to make a pigsty.
When do I want to achieve my dream by?
When I am 40 years old.
What are some things that might go wrong and how will I fix them?
I might not be able to afford the farm and the pigs and to fix that I need to have a good job.
The first five steps I need to take to turn my dream into reality are:
1.Get older.
2.Buy a farm.
3.Have a lot of money to buy the pigs.
4.Have at least 2 pigs to breed them to get more pigs.
5.Visit Free Range Pig Farm and find out how they got started.
Wednesday, 26 July 2017
Maths Place Value
We are learning to...
-recognise how many tens and hundreds are in numbers.
Here is my work.
-recognise how many tens and hundreds are in numbers.
Tuesday, 25 July 2017
Maui Legends
As part of Matariki we re-read the legends of Maui. We then retold a legend and created artwork. Below is my work.
Monday, 24 July 2017
Classroom Kupu
We have been learning how to say the names for classroom objects in Te Reo Māori. Here is the slideshow I did to show my learning.
Thursday, 6 July 2017
Science Term 2 2017
This term we have been doing science. We have been learning about the water cycle and states of matter. Here is some of my learning.
Persuasive Writing - Why we should have pets
We have been having a go at writing a piece of persuasive writing. Here is my piece of writing about why we should have pets.
A Short Statement about the topic.
eg. ‘Rugby League Is A Great Sport’
Overview/ Statement of position
A brief statement of your view about the topic. What you believe or want to argue.
I believe that having pets is a really great thing. Many people all over the world have pets.
Series of Arguments
Your points supporting your view about the topic. Your arguments to support your statement and information to support these arguments.
-supporting detail, reasons, examples
Firstly, we should have pets because pets can be trained to do special jobs. For example, they can do Search and Rescue and they can go with people to look for lost people. Also dogs can be guard dogs and they watch their owners properties for burglars or robbers. Also there can be airport dogs which can see if people are carrying drugs to a place.
Secondly, pets can comfort you and keep you company. For example, people that live alone usually have pets to keep them company. Also if people are sad or unhappy pets can make them feel better by doing tricks or jumping and licking the people which people really love!
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Thirdly, pets can help people with disabilities. For example, people can be sick and their pets can make them feel better. Also pets can remind people to take their medicine. Sometimes if people are blind they use dogs that can show them the way to go.
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Finally, pets can produce food and resources for people. For example, cows and goats produce milk. Chickens produce eggs and sheep produce wool. Also if you have a special machine you can get bacon from pigs.
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Concluding statement
Summing it up. A summary of your arguments and your view on the topic.
In conclusion I believe that people should have pets because pets can be trained to do special jobs, pets can comfort you and keep you company, pets can help people with disabilities, and pets can produce food and resources for people. I strongly believe that people should have pets.
Persuasive Writing - Why we should fix our field
We have been having a go at writing a piece of persuasive writing. Here is my piece of writing about why we should fix our field.
A Short Statement about the topic.
eg. ‘Rugby League Is A Great Sport’
Fix Our Mara(field)!
Overview/ Statement of position
A brief statement of your view about the topic. What you believe or want to argue.
I strongly believe we should fix the school mara(field). We need to fix the mara(field) because it is wet and muddy most of the time and we can’t go onto it. Also sometimes we need to do important sports training and special events.
Series of Arguments
Your points supporting your view about the topic. Your arguments to support your statement and information to support these arguments.
-supporting detail, reasons, examples
Firstly, The Board of Trustees and Mrs Truman should fix the mara(field) because everyone is crowded and kids don’t have enough space to do games and sports.
Secondly, balls go over the fence and it sometimes takes ages to get them back. For example Miss Ireland was so busy on duty that it took 10 minutes to get my ball and I was really bored waiting.
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Thirdly, kids can get hurt because there is not enough space to play and little kids can get knocked over by big kids.
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Finally, it’s a waste of money because there’s equipment the school does not use because the mara(field) is off limits. For example we can’t really play touch or soccer because you can fall over easily and on the concrete it hurts but on the mara(field) it won’t hurt.
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Concluding statement
Summing it up. A summary of your arguments and your view on the topic.
In conclusion, we need to need our mara(field) because everyone is crowded and kids don’t have enough space to do things, to do games and sports, balls go over the fence, kids can get hurt because there is not enough space to play, it’s a waste of money because there’s equipment the school does not use. It is vital that he have a good mara(field) at our school!
Thursday, 6 April 2017
My Marine Mammal Information Report
We have been learning to write an information report. Here is my report on a New Zealand Marine Mammal.
Fur Seal,
Information Report,
NZ marine mammal,
Term One,
How to Look After Our Rocky Shore
We have been using our reading skills to learn about our rocky shore. Here is some work I did showing how we can look after our rocky shore.
how to look after our rocky shore,
rocky shore,
Term One
Rocky Shore Animal Work
We have been using our reading skills across the curriculum to learn about the rocky shore. Below is some work I did about a rocky shore creature that I was interested in.
Tuesday, 14 March 2017
My Sea Week Writing
For Sea Week we wrote about why the ocean is important. Here is my writing work. Please leave a kind, positive and thoughtful comment.
My Chance and Probability Work
This term we have been learning about chance and probability in maths. This is my DLO (digital learning object) about chance and probability. Please leave a kind, positive and thoughtful comment.
Monday, 13 March 2017
My Treaty Of Waitangi Work
At the beginning of this term we learnt about The Treaty of Waitangi. Here is my DLO showing my learning. Please leave a kind, positive and helpful comment.
By Nathan, Ben and Clem.
The Treaty of Waitangi
>This is a video about the Treaty of Waitangi.
By Nathan, Ben and Clem.
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